Yesterday (Thursday) while waiting for the bus to go to work, my girlfriend asked me if that was my kitty that got hit and was lying on the side of the highway. OMG! dad and I were in denial at first but then he just had to go across the highway to make sure we were wrong. Unfortunately, he confirmed that Midori had been hit and she was gone. I think the initial news just shocked me and I did not cry. Dad brought her back home to give her a place to rest. Of course, we couldn't tell Nolan. He would be devastated before he went to school! (He found out after school and went to the garden to cry). It didn't hit me until I went to work and saw all of the photos on my desk and the pics on my screen saver. The tears filled my eyes. I had to call my sisters to tell them the sad news so that they could tell the girls (my nieces) who loved Midori so much. Yes, she was an outdoor cat but she never went by the busy highway. we will never know what made her go so close to the road. Thanks for letting me vent. For any of you pet owners out there, I know you feel my pain.