Today, we made a visit to the Hawaiian Humane Society and look what we found! We looked at all of the cats in the cat house and was so close in adopting brothers - Danny & Shadow. Then, we found out that they are were indoor cats - boo hoo! Nolan was heart broken! We were almost ready to leave when he saw her looking out of the window. We went back into the cat house and found out that she was "street smart" meaning that she was a stray and an outdoor cat. Only 15 minutes more til closing! We were able to adopt this cute kitty. We even got a huge cage for a great deal to keep her safe at night. Grandpa said we could keep her in my work room til she gets used to our home. The ride home was quiet and once home, she adjusted quickly (so far, anyway!)
She already found my chair and used it as a scratching post! Aaahhh! We named her *Mochiko*. She's recovering from her spaying surgery which she had only 6 days ago. What a sweetheart she is!