My Hula penguin rak and an offer to win a stamp!
So cute! This rak came from my buddy, Joy. I have a few more raks from Joy to post, but have time to post only one right now. I just love this hula penguin, don't you? Can you see the glitter? Love it. Thanks Joy!! I just love my gifts! I got my penguins by Imaginisce from Cute Stuff, but you can also get it at J's Knicknaks too! I bought an extra set of these penguins to share with one lucky person. Will it be you?? Leave me a comment if you want to play and I'll pick a winner on Sunday.
BTW, I haven't forgotten about my blogaversary giveaway. I was working on getting the goodies together to the five winners but in collecting all of the treats, I discovered MORE fun stuff so I am planning on sharing a little something with all who left me a comment on my gmail account. Yippee!! But first, I'm working on my little thank you card to go with the goodies so sit tight! I don't do many candy giveaways, but when I do, I want to make it worthwhile, ya know?
Mochiko was so excited when I told her that she had a fan club of her own. Doesn't she look so sassy here? Thanks for sharing today with me!