I am just so over-joyed with happiness that I am still getting sweet birthday wishes in my mailbox!! Kind of makes me like having another birthday, but without the age! haha!!
This first sweet card is from Tina. She also enclosed a bunch of cool die cuts! Perfect since I don't own any of these! Tina is a local girl who is now living all the way in Washington! Tina also has a blog, so run on over and show her some love! Thanks Tina! Love this cute Dandelion Design stamp. I just bought it for myself last week!
From Joy. How did you know sister?? I've been wanting to make one of these designer bags like forevah but of course, never had any time to get to it! I can't believe that you read my mind. Now I have one of my very own!! Love the color combo too!!
Here's a close-up of the embellishments...so pretty!! Look at the kitty's collar?? Gotta love the bling!!
But wait!, there's more! This bag was filled to the gills with all kinds of neat gifts!! My favorite kind, crafty stuff!!! Joy, thank you for everything! I just love my VS stuff too!!! You spoil me! Hugs 'n kisses to you and Tae!
This next card is from Charlotte. Charlotte doesn't have a blog but is a very faithful reader and one of my downline. I know she reads my blog because she comments on just about every post like right after I press the button! Do you love this card? It is soooo sweet! I love the CB embossing folder and also the new scallop edge punch and holes. How did you know I love eyelet? (as in fabric)...
Charlotte also mailed me these three pretty notebooks that she altered. Perfect to fit in my bag. I'm always looking for something to write on, so it will be well used! Thank you Charlotte!
This really cool card came from Robin Peek. This RAK is from SCS BRAK club. check out Robin's gallery on SCS - she's RobinMichelle. Thank you so much Robin! I just love this card. This was one of the other cards that I was meaning to make. Now, I just gotta now that I have my very own sample to follow.
Can you believe that I'll have more BRAKS to post soon?? Yup! There's more! Enjoy your Sunday! You still have time to craft!! Thanks for the visit!
Can you believe that I'll have more BRAKS to post soon?? Yup! There's more! Enjoy your Sunday! You still have time to craft!! Thanks for the visit!