Just a note from me

Before I go back to posting more fun projects for today, I just needed to mention a few words about yesterdays post. Some of you were in disbelief, some just gasped at the thought that I even posted it. I was going to apologize to the two ladies who braved a post of "shock" that I would even share such a thing, but I'm not because this wasn't something that I did to make people angry at me or even disappointed. I thought about all of you, my sweet friends, my friends with religious backgrounds, my senior friends, just everyone...I did think about it, but how you feel is how you feel, no matter what was posted.

Instead, I am thanking all of you for your comments. Every one of them were appreciated. Even the comments from the local anonymous girl (why would you post anonymous if you wanted to get a point across?) and Ms. Patsy. But I guess she won't see this note of appreciation because she has unsubscribed from my blog. We all are entitled to our own opinions and I respect that, isn't that what makes us unique? Speaking our mind and not being afraid to tell people how we feel.

Thank you to my friends who sent wishes of luck to the success of a shirt business. Yes, it is just a shirt business with many more non-offensive slogans in the works. Can you believe the next shirt was going to be the word "Beautiful"? In particular, because I am obsessed in gift wrapping and presentation, I especially enjoyed and was pleased with the gift wrap more than the shirt itself. I am not pushing my stamp and craft business on the side to do t-shirts. I'm just part of a team.

And since we are airing our dirty laundry (haha), I guess I just have to do so right now so I can move on because that is how I am. And maybe for those of you who read the comments, or will now go back to read the comments (it's okay, go ahead and read them), Are you curious? I just want to clarify that my husband and son and family are not ashamed that I took on a side venture to produce t-shirts with a slogan. No, they don't call me a bitch or think that I am bad or have a dirty mind because of this shirt. Nor do they think that I am a female dog nor have they lost respect for me. They are proud of who I am and what I have accomplished in my life and are wondering how the heck I can keep a full time job, be a wife, a mom, a friend, run a side business and still be standing. Again, it's okay because people can make, sell, wear whatever they want to. No one is saying that you have to agree, buy, wear, or like what anyone else does right? And yes, I am going to wear that shirt.

Please don't let the whole world crumble down because of one post that wasn't your cup of tea. And oh my goodness, I would rather have lots of comments of what you all think of my creative projects than dote on a silly t-shirt slogan. For that, I am disappointed because I only know what you think if you actually let me know, even for my craft posts. How do I know what you think if you don't tell me? I want people to know so I take the time to make comments to let people know how much I love their posts.

Okay, enough! I heard what you had to say and hey, what are we waiting for? I gotta move on to post more fabulous craft projects! Thank you for listening to my side of the story. I'm really still the same person after this and for those of my friends that know me, know the truth.

Mahalo to all of you.