From Linda. I've had my eyes on these ribbons for a while, you are a mind reader! The card is so sweet too!
got the SU Statement of the Heart stamp in the special pouch and the 20th Anniversary charm...Ooh-la-la!
This was Kelly's first convention and I didn't realize that when she asked me how many swaps I made when I went to convention that she was going to do the same. I was crazy back then, and if I go to convention again, I could not, or would not make the 600 swaps that I made. Too heavy! So you wanna guess how many swaps Kelly made?? Uh-huh...600! Yikes!! You go girl! And what a surprise! She gave me this whole whopping box of 300 swaps!! I still haven't had the time to look at every one, but I will! In fact, they will be on display at my open house on Saturday, August 30th so if you'd like a peek at them, come on over! THANK you, Kelly!! This was such a surprise!
Time to get off the computer and drag my behind to work. I'm sleep deprived today as I had to take my son to the ER last night. He's resting and at home. Daddy will take him for a check up today. More tomorrow!
A shout out to Wanda...if you are reading today, can you email me? I lost your email address (duh!)...thanks!