Brooklyn Studio

Well, here I am in Brooklyn, my studio is more or less set up... Here's some random flicks taken over the last month... I think rent prices in Toronto have spoiled me, I'm used to having much more space... and a shower... But don't get me wrong, I'm very glad to be here.

A balanced diet of milk, muscle milk, soy milk, and cheese.

Right across the street from me is a sheet metal shop. They start pounding on sheets of metal around 7am, and stop around 7 pm... It makes sleeping in pretty difficult...

Fucking can opener....

Laundry day.

The bucket I pee in. Don't worry, I don't think you can catch anything by looking at photos of it on the internet...

Some small drawings I've been working on... I'm trying to blend the grid drawings with the more freestyle-type drawings... What i'm talking about makes more sense in the first one...

My bud Maia. I've mentioned her on here before, we met back in 2002 during my first trip to NYC and I see her everytime I come down. Now that I'm living here I get to see her a lot more... I'm glad she's here, its kinda like having family in the city...

OK, thats it. Back to work for me, but I'll be posting a couple of more times this week to promote an upcoming show...