We live in a beautiful environment, here in Bass River. Unfortunately, I often take it for granted as I go along in my too often, busy life. They say that we should take the time to smell the roses. Well, here in Bass River I guess we have to take the time to smell the pines.
One way of appreciating and sharing our beautiful surroundings with others is to take a camera along with us as we travel about, snap a photo when we encounter a special pleasure that comes our way, and share that photo with a friend. It may be a sunset, a colorful bird, a sweet smelling pine grove, a wild turkey along the roadside, a deer grazing in your yard, a nutty squirrel on your bird feeder, or a score of other things we might encounter in our everyday travels.
Today's small digital cameras make picture taking more convenient. In the "old days" of film cameras, I often took photos and left them in the camera for months before having them developed. By the time I got to look at them, I had forgotten what I had taken photos of. Now, I can snap a picture, go home, download it to my computer, and have a print within minutes. Talk about instant gratification! Some of my friends even have cell phones that take photos. Amazing!
Below are two photos of sunsets over the Wading River. One was taken the old fashion way with a film camera and the other with a cell phone. I am hoping that they inspire those of you out there who have digital cameras to email some photos to me of mother nature at work around Bass River Township, so that I can post them to share with others. I know my friend, Bill McLennan, has a ton of great photos from the area. How about sharing some with us, Bill?
Pete S.

Sunset by the Wading River Bridge by Steve Eichinger.

Sunset from the Wading River Bridge by Mandy Somes. Taken with cell phone.