Enjoyed your article about Carranza. (See My information is a bit different - and I think more accurate. I fortunately knew one of the last Carrs who told me about the plane crash. Locals did discovered the crashed plane and Carranza's body.

The body was brought to Buzby's garage and placed on Mrs. Buzby's wallpaper board by another group of locals. It remained there until the coroner arrived. The American Legion didn't have a thing to do with it. Over the years they have claimed to be the heroes. Humbug!!!!! The Legion does conduct the annual memorial service at the monument - which by the way is located in Wharton State Forest. I have never attended it.
John McPhee in his book THE PINE BARRENS reports on the crash and further details. I do think this is accurate knowing how McPhee writes.
The monument to Carranza is not the area where he crashed. I don't remember know where the plane went down but locals who were involved told me it was southeast of where the monument is located. The late Albertus Pepper was one of the people who found Carranza's body and aided in returning it to Buzbys. He told me many stories of that day. Albertus and I spend much time sitting on Buzby's porch eating hot dogs and talking about the good old days. I do miss him.
Hope this information is of some help to you.
My best,
Marilyn Schmidt in her Buzby's General Store Gift Shop in Chatsworth, the Piney capital of the world. I believe that she may be posing with one of the last real Pineys. Stop by her shop for some delightful conversation and look through a great selection of locally made Pine Barrens crafts and books. It's one of my favorte places in the pines. The coffee and food in the Cafe is also recommended. (Photo by Pete Stemmer.)
Thanks for the information, Marilyn. It's appreciated. Although the American Legion may not have played a role in the recovery of Carranza's body, my hat is off to them for faithfully participating in the annual ceremony commemorating the tragic plane crash. - Pete S.
PS- Marilyn, When you have time in your busy schedule, it would be great if you would jot down some of the stories from Albertus Pepper and share them on the blog.