Hi Pete
Seeing the pictures and blog on John Wiseman jogged my memory a bit. Most people called him "Jack". Had a horse. A big old work horse. He farmed near his house, which is the first house on the left when you go west on West Road from North Maple Avenue and also the lot on the corner of N. Maple Ave and West Road, where I think he grew corn for the horse. Anyway, he also plowed gardens for other people. When he worked away from home, he hitched old "Jackie" (the horse's name) to his wagon. Put the plow in the wagon and went down the road. When he was on the way home, some of us kids would jump on the back of the wagon and ride the rest of the way to his barn. He never seemed to mind giving us a ride. Maybe someone out there remembers Jack's old horse and maybe can come up with some pictures or stories.
Bob Mathis
Bob,Good to hear from you. Growing up in new Gretna, you must have a lot of memories that you can share with us from time to time here at the blog.Unfortunately, I don't have any photos of John Wiseman with "Jackie". Floyd West tells me that he remembers that John was noted for always having the best pair of work horses in the New Gretna area. In the old days, before tractors and trucks, horses were used for plowing, hauling, scraping roads, etc. Anyone who needed a good team for a job would go see John Wiseman and strike a deal to rent his prized team. I guess it's an early version of "Hertz Rent A Horse". - Pete S.

Little Bobbie Mathis remembers seeing John Wiseman with his horse, "Jackie". (Photo courtesy of Elaine Weber Mathis.)

John Wiseman off to work with his lunch box.
(Photo courtesy of Myrtle Wiseman Falkinburg.)

John Wiseman (r) and Harry Allen, Bennie Allen's father.
(Photo courtesy of Myrtle Wiseman Falkinburg.)