Aunty Lynn. She was the cafeteria manager over at Enchanted Lake Elementary School and also owner (with hubby Uncle Mel) of the Keiki Palaka Band. Nolan was a member of the KPB when he was in the 3rd, 4th and 5th grade and at ELES. Anyway, we attended Auny Lynn's retirement party and since she is an owl collector, I thought that this was perfect. Her invitation said "no gifts" but local style, you just have to bring something, right?! So I thought that she could use some cards to write thank you's to her friends. Here's what I came up with (well, one of the cards).
It's still freezing here on my side of the island. I'm going to take a nap to get rid of this headache! Hope you are all well and had time to sneak in a little crafting.