First class of 2009!

The holidays are over and it's back to work! I spent Saturday at Wini's house brainstorming the projects for this month. Here's a sneak peek of what we came up with! The main project will be what they call a "drink holder" box. This box will not be holding any drinks though. Instead, it will hold 5 cards and envelopes, some giant paper clips and some sweet treats as well. We will be using three new Valentine sets: (1) A Happy Heart, (2) Love Owl-ways and (3) Love You Much. This set is available through the month of January in an awesome bundle! Check out my SU website for the details.
This class will be offered on Sunday, January 18 and again (same class projects) on Monday, January 19. Monday, for some, is a holiday - President's Day. If I don't get enough sign ups because you all are working, I will move the 19th class date to the 25th. Please email me if you would like to attend this class. Oh! I'm thinking of trying out a new time for classes this year. The class will start at 1:00 PM and end at 4:00 PM. I will only have 10 seats per day and RSVP is required to attend. Reservations will be saved on a first come, first served basis. Please email me for more details!
Tomorrow is the middle of the week! I can't wait for another weekend! I've been busy cleaning up and writing thank you cards...hope you all are ready to create!