Just a little tidbit about Miss Margeret Adams, the principal of New Gretna School for many years. She taught several generations of New Gretna children. Anyway, she was a dedicated teacher and a tough taskmaster.
Miss Margaret was a teacher and principal of the New Gretna School for 42 years. She, evidently, had a candy business on the side. I bet she could hide a whole bag of candy in that hat, and nobody would notice. (Photo courtesy of Naomi Post Maurer.)
I started kindergarden in 1932 and went from kindergarden thru second grade in her room. One instance I remember was her different forms of punishment for insubordination. They included having to go up in front of the class when called by name and having your fingers rapped by her with a ruler. How many times was according to the severity of your so called mischieviousness.
Another was being locked in a dark closet for an undetermined amount of time determined by the severity of your act. One time I remember a fellow classmate named William Cramer, commonly called Buddy, who was constantly getting in trouble with Miss Margeret and frequently getting locked in the dark closet at the end of the cloakroom. At that time Miss Margaret was selling different kinds of candy to the kids, and she kept it locked in this same closet on a higher shelf. One day Buddy was in that closet for quite a while, and some of us kids would occassionaly go up to the closet door and try to comminicate with him. He would answer, and he seemed perfectly content with his punishment.
After a while Miss Margeret let him out, and he seemed okay. Everything was all right until Miss Margeret went to get her candy, and it was all gone. She approached Buddy about it, but he denied having taken it. However; we noticed, and so did Miss Margaret, that Buddy was sluggish the rest of the day.
Our favorite nickname for Miss Margaret was Maggie Jim.
Don Maxwell
Does anyone know how Miss Margaret got her nickname, Maggie Jim or Maggie Jimmie?
Pete S