It's not surprising that there would be a New Gretna connection regarding the Tuckerton Race Track of the early 1950's, as there were many small gas staions in New Gretna that fostered an interest in car racing.
Four New Gretna businesses are listed in the September 14, 1950 Tuckerton Beacon article below as donating prizes to the Tuckerton Race Track - Allen's Dock (owned and operated by Ruby McAnney), New Gretna Esso (owned and operated by Harvey Houck & Albert Block), The Sunoco Station (owned and operated by Walter and Margaret Roberts), and the Atlantic Station (owned and operated by Clarence "Buddy" and Almira Steele). I believe that Jay Belk, who purchased the New Gretna Esso station around 1956, sponsored a race car driven by various New Gretna drivers.

The photos below show the changes that have taken place in the Sunoco and Atlantic stations that donated prizes to the Tuckerton Race Track in the early 1950's.

Walter and Margaret Roberts owned and operated the Sunoco station at the fork of Route 9 and Hammonton Road during the hayday of the Tuckerton Race Track. (1947 photo courtesy of Barbara Roberts Schmutz.)
Today, the old Robert's Sunoco station is a Delta station and mini mart. (1/5/09 photo by Pete Stemmer.)
Clarence "Buddy" and Almira Cramer Steele owned and operated the Atlantic station on Route 9 in the early 1950's. (1947 photo courtesy of Almira Cramer Steele.)
Little Rickie Steele helped his father "Buddy" out at the Atlantic station from time to time. Notice the white shoes on Little Rickie. Must be before Labor Day. (Photo courtesy of Almira Cramer Steele.)
Today, Buddy Steele's old Atlantic station is a Sunoco station owned and operated by Bernie and Paula Zaremba. They continue to provide that personal "mom and pop" service that was the hallmark of the old New Gretna gas stations. (1/5/09 photo by Pete Stemmer.)
I don't have any photos of the Tuckerton Race Track. I would appreciate anyone with photos of the track, race cars, drivers, etc. to get in touch with me.
Here's a trivia question for all you New Gretna history buffs: There were many gas stations in New Gretna throughout the years. Which number would you say is the closest to the number of New Gretna (Bass River) stations that can be identified? 5, 10, 20, or 30?
Pete S