I don't have a lot to post... I was at that Carte Blanche 2 book signing and took a bunch of photos with my phone, but my phone broke since then so they are gone...
I did a Road of Knives page a little while ago, its not the best drawing in the world but it makes sense within the story... We are approaching our 100th page, and I think we might release the first volume in book format soon...

Also, HandMade Posters in Norway has just released a 6 colour screenprint of one of my images. Its an edition of 100, and is available for sale through the HMP site here.

One last thing, I got a profile posted on Blogto, you can see it here. Check it out if you want to see some studio shots and a little write up...

Ok, thats it for now, now that I'm back I'll be posting a bit more often I think... I'm going to take some studio shots if I can borrow a camera off one of my buds...