Well, it's time to dust off the old Time Machine again. If I let it sit too long, the controls start to stick,  and I have all kinds of trouble getting back to the present. 

Let me take a few minutes to set the dials and see if I can get a little preview of what's in store for us on this trip. Ah, that's got it! We're about to go back to New Gretna on June 19, 1947. It appears that the normal things are going on in the two churches in town; the Methodists are having a $1.50 turkey dinner at the Knights of Pythias Hall; the local New Gretna School is quite active with PTA activities and a closing day skit by the children; a festive June wedding is celebrated; Bill Sears, Eleanor Downes, and Betty Elberson (now Petzak) graduate from Tuckerton High School; the local movies are popular; we'll be stopping by Clif Brown's parent's house on West Greenbush Road; Miss Margaret pops up again; and the local "gossip" mentions some familiar names. 

It should be an enjoyable trip, so put on your Time Travel goggles and  hang on tight   .    .    . 




Rev. Champion B. Goldy, Pastor

Morning Worship 9:45:

Message by the pastor

Church school 11:00.

Evening Worship 8:00: Message by the pastor

   On Saturday, June 21, the Mullica River Parish Youth Fellowship will attend the New Brunswick District Picnic to be held at the Ocean County Park in Lakewood. Those interested in going meet at the parsonage at 10:30.

   On Tuesday evening, June 24, the Bible Class will meet at the home of Mrs. Helen Mathis.

   Keep this date in mind—on June 28, at 8 o’clock in the evening we will hold a Patriotic Service in our Church. At this service all the Patriotic Or­ganizations of our Community are invited to attend. Keep this date and plan to worship with us.

   There will be a Public Turkey Din­ner served by the W. S. C. S. at the P. O. S. of A. Hall. Tickets will be $1.50.



Rev. George R. Cox, Pastor

Sunday, June 22, 1947:

10:00 a. m. Sunday-school.

11:00 a. m. Morning Worship ser­vice, subject, “The Fine Art of Liv­ing.”

7:30 p. m. Evening Worship ser­vice, subject, “The Healing of the Soul.”

7 p. m. Wednesday evening, prayer meeting and Bible Study, followed by Choir practice.

2 p. m. Wednesday afternoon of this week the Ladies Auxiliary held their monthly luncheon meeting at the home of Mrs. H. Z. Mathis.

   Sunday evening the Children’s Day service was held in the church, the children gave recitations and songs and were all to be complimented for their part in the entertainment. A large congregation was present to witness it. Rev. Cox administered the right of Baptism to the infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Allen. Last Sun­day the three daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Cramer were baptized.



   The final meeting of the New Gret­na P. T. A. was held in the School Auditorium Wednesday, June 11th, at 3 p. m. The retiring president, Mrs. Olga Pflaum presided and held the election of officers. The following officers were elected for next year:

   Mrs. Gladys Storey, president, Mrs. Olga Pflaum, vice-president, Mrs. Elsa Roe Secretary, Mrs. Elizabeth Sch­utte, Treasurer. The membership pre­sent pledged their support to the newly elected officers, and to help keep the P. T. A. a worthwhile organiza­tion. Refreshments were enjoyed with a social time following. Mrs. A. Pratt Cramer is membership Chairman for the year and the Rev. George R. Cox publicity chr., Mrs. Gladys Storey retiring publicity chairman.



The retiring President, Mrs. Oscar Pflaum and new President and re­tiring Publicity Chairman Mrs. Rich­ard Storey, attended the Burlington County Program and Publicity Coun­cil and Luncheon on Tuesday, June 17th at the Riverton Country Club.

   Mrs. Pflaum attended the confer­ence on Program Planning and Mrs. Storey attended the Publicity Con­ference.

   County Chairman Mrs. William Wurst, introduced National Vice Pres­ident Mrs. Albert L. Gardner, who stressed the nationwide Four Point Program, urged all local groups to know their school curriculum, and to watch the UNESCO activities which should soon show results.

   Other notable leaders present were State Publicity Chairman Mrs. Har­old Kite, Southern County Council President Mrs. Theron Foote, and County Supt. of Schools, Dr. Louis J. Kaser.

Many helpful suggestions were given to promote PTA activity by all methods of publicity. The PUBLICITY RECORD BOOKS were on exhibit. Several of them were outstanding, and all of them had useful ideas for goals, benefits and CHILD WELFARE objectives.




The New Gretna School rendered a closing day program at 10:15 a.m., June 12th as follows:

Skit: “Uncle Sam’s Contest.”


Uncle Sam—Richard Pflaum

Goddess of Liberty—Clara KaIm

The Yankee—Harvard Allen

Miss New York—Marjorie Cramer

The Southern Belle—Dorothy McNeil

The Farmer—Roger Voorhis

The Cowboy—Jack Maxwell

Miss Pacific—Jean Atkinson

Texas—Jack Fulcher

Rhode Island—Warren Tozer

California—Steve Eichinger, Jr.

Florida—James Maxwell

The Page—Lewis Shropshire

Elsie—Mary Fulcher

Stage Manager—Bob Bourguignon

Songs:    Yankee Doodle, Sidewalks of New York, Old Folks at Home, Home on The Range, When It’s Springtime in the Rockies, Cali­fornia, Here I Come. Grades 3-4-5

“Farmer In The Dell” Primary room “America   the Beautiful” School

“Shortenin’ Bread” grades 3-4-5

“Our Trip,” eighth grade

“Our Thank You Report” Clara Kalm Speech, Hulda K. Hewitt, Helping Teacher of Burlington County.

Presentation of gift books, Mrs. John Barnes.

Benediction, The Rev. G. R. Cox.



Felsberg - Shropshire

   The wedding of Mildred E. Shrop­shire of New Gretna, and T. G. Fels­berg, of Pleasantville, N.J., took place in the Presbyterian church, New Gretna. Saturday, June 14, at 2:00 p. m. The double ring ceremony was performed by The Rev. George R. Cox, pastor of that church.

“Oh, Promise Me,” “Because,” and “Oh, Perfect Love” were played on the organ by Mrs. Fred Shropshire.

Vocal solo, “At Dawning” by Mrs. Alice Mathis.

Vocal solo “I Love You Truly” by Walter Mathis, accompanied by Miss Georgine Mathis.

Wedding marches by Georgine Mathis.

   The bride, who was given in mar­riage by her father, Fred W. Shrop­shire, wore a dress of white satin, with long train, finger-tip veil with a coronet of seed-pearls, and carried an arm bouquet of white rosebuds.

She was attended by her sisters, Jean Harris and Alice Mathis, both of Tuckerton. The matrons of honor wore matching dresses of Aqua and peach tulle, with shirred jackets and match­ing headdresses of net and flowers. They carried arm bouquets of peonies and Siberian Iris.

The flower girl, Carol Ann Winfield, of Cedar Run, wore white dotted swiss with pink rosettes and carried a bas­ket of pink roses.

The best man was Arthur Felsberg, brother of the groom.

Ushers were Elwood Weeks of Pleasantville, N. J., Murray Harris and Sylvester Mathis, Jr. of Tuckerton.

   The brides mother, Mrs. Fred Shropshire, wore a pink flowered crepe dress, white dotted swiss hat and a corsage of pink rosebuds.

   The mother of the groom, Mrs. T.G. Felsberg, of Pleasantville, wore a violet flowered jersey dress, black straw hat and harmonizing corsage.

   Refreshments and wedding cake were served to all guests at the home of the bride, at 3:00 p. m.

   Dinner was served from 4:30 until 7:00 to 40 friends and relatives of the bride and groin and photographs were taken by Benjamin Harris of Tuckerton.

   Wedding guests were entertained in the evening by R. T. Robinson of Pleasantville, who delighted old and young with his sleight of hand and tricks of magic.

   The young couple left for a two-week trip to Niagara Falls and Can­ada. After their return they will be at home at 234 Pleasant Ave., Pleasant­ville, N. J.


The movies attracted many of our young people Saturday afternoon and evening which are being shown in the Jacob Magid Hall. [Moderator's Note: This is the old Civic Hall which is our present fire house.]

Miss Ida Mae Johnson of Tuckerton was an overnight visitor with her aunt, Mrs. Bertha D. Mathis, and called on Mr. and Mrs. Ashton Lamson and Mrs. Sara Mathis Wednes­day afternoon.

Mrs. Laura Page and mother, Mrs. Joseph Shropshire spent several days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Walter L. Mathis and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shropshire attending the wedding of their niece and grand-daughter, Mil­dred Shropshire.

Capt. and Mrs. Harry V. Mathis are among the few who celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary here this summer, the date was last Thursday, June 12. They were pleased and sur­prised to receive cards, and several callers at their home. Capt. Harry is among those who go to the Bay for clams and oysters every day and raises a very nice garden every year, even prize onions which he never in­dulges in but gives them to his neigh­bors. Their friends wish them many more years of happy married bliss.

Mr. Julius Warsitzka has returned to his old home from Atlantic City hospital after having undergone a major operation, his friends and neighbors are wishing him a complete recovery.

Mr. and Mrs. Jack R. Mathis and children, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shrop­shire and Mrs. Sara Mathis attended the Eighth grade commencement held in the Manahawkin Methodist Church last Wednesday evening.

Twelve people from here attended the Services held at Pleasant Mills Methodist Church last Sunday after­noon.

Prof. and Mrs. Maja C. Mathis are spending a few days at their home on New York Highway this week.

Miss Reva Somers and Mrs. Blanche Gerew were Sunday evening callers of Miss Theora B. Cramer.

Two car loads of Base Ball fans attended the Detroit Tigers-Phila. Athletics game Tuesday night of this week.

The Rev, and Mrs. Blain Detrick of Cherry Creek, N. Y., are spending a part of their vacation with Mrs. Detricks parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Updike of Wading River. They were Tuesday evening Dinner guests of Miss Margaret C. Adams and Mr. and Mrs. William Maurer.

Mrs. C. Earle Cramer, Mrs. Cham­pion Goldy and Mrs. John Barnes at­tended the annual luncheon sponsored by Friendship Chapter Order of Eastern Star, held last Wednesday afternoon at Masonic Temple in At­lantic City.

Mrs. Harry Hoar of Beach Haven spent last Monday with her parents, Capt. and Mrs. Jesse A. Loveland.

The Rev, and Mrs. C. Goldy attended the graduation exercises at Drew Seminary last Monday when the Rev. Goldy received his B. D. Degree.

Mrs. Martha Cramer and daugh­ter Lida and her friend Jack of Warren Grove, N. J., spent Friday even­ing with Mrs. Edna Adams.

Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Maxwell of Philadelphia, Pa. were Sunday visi­tors with Mr. and Mrs. Milton R. Kauflin.

Mrs. Roy Hammell of Absecon, N.J. was a Monday caller of Mrs. Henry Updike and Mrs. Edna Adams and Mrs. Sophia Adams.

Coast Guard Robert Adams spent the week end with his mother, Mrs. Sophia Adams. Robert has recently been transferred inland, from boat duty which pleases him greatly.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown and infant son are visiting with the for­mer’s parents at their home on West Greenbush Road.

Many from New Gretna attended the Class Day of Tuckerton High School held in the High School last Tuesday evening, and again honored the three graduates Bill Sears and Misses Eleanor Downs and Betty Elberson, the three graduates at the Graduation exercises Thursday even­ing.

Mrs. Spaeth was a New York City visitor Sunday.

The Rev. G. R. Cox and Mrs. Edna Adams visited last Thursday with Mrs. Mary Black and others who are at the Home for the Aged in New Lisbon, N. J.

Mr. and Mrs. Fred Shropshire and Mr. and Mrs. Murray Harris visited with Mr. Shropshire’s father in Tren­ton, N. J. last Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. J. Robert Maxwell attended the funeral of their nephew Wilbur Lippincott, at Mt. Holly, N.J., last Monday.

Mrs. Elsie Taylor and father, Char­les McAnney of Wading River at­tended the 8th grade commencement exercises held in Manahawkin last Wednesday evening.

Mrs. Pitman E. Mathis and Mrs. Virginia Ford motored to Salem Mon­day where they called on Mrs. Mathis’ grand-daughter, Mrs. Clayton Berry, who is confined to the Salem hospital.

Capt. R. H. Johnson has taken his new boat “The Lucky Strike” to Inlet Pier, Atlantic City, where he sails daily from Capt. Stains, taking deep sea parties. His many friends wish him success in his new adventure.

 [ Transcribed by Pete Stemmer from the June 19, 1947 Tuckerton Beacon.]


Capt. Howard Johnson's party boat, the "Lucky Strike", sailing out of Atlantic City. Howard is stearing on the bow with his wife, Margaret, sitting to his right. I believe Joe Cramer is the mate standing on the right gunnel. (Photo courtesy of Margaret Sullivan Johnson.)

Hope today's trip back to June 19, 1947 was enjoyable for you. If you saw someone you recognized, drop us a line here at the blog with a little info or story about that person or persons.

Pete S