I received my Card! February OCS

What a happy day for me! First off, thank you to all of my kind friends who sent emails checking up on my poor foot :( I spent the morning at Pali Momi Hospital getting my x-ray and waiting, waiting, waiting...you know the drill. The GOOD news is that it is not broken - yay!! But, badly bruised and will take some time to heal and feel better and that Advil will still be my best friend for a while. The thought of my foot having a fracture really bothered me because all I could think about was all the things that I could not do with a cast on my foot. That would really be a drag! The bad news is that because I'm limping around, my calves are starting to ache and my lower back. My son gave me some lessons in stretching so it would make my calves feel better!
Well, the other happy news is that I received my card from the One Card Swap (OCS) from my partner ManLe Hong. ManLe is the owner of Pineapple Cove which is opening up at Kahala Mall very soon! I can't wait! But look at my beautiful card!! Wowza ManLe! I just love my card! I love shoes too, although not as much as my friend Cheryl...Hi Cheryl...are you reading this?? haha! Mainly my reason for not being able to accummulate a collection of shoes is that I can't find my size. I barely wear a women's size 5 and for casual shoes, I buy kids' shoes, size 2 1/2 - can you believe that? I have tiny feet! Oops! Sorry, strayed away from my card here. I love this stamp by Hero Arts, almost bought this set!! I love everything about this card, the color, the CB embossing, color combo...Thank you ManLe! Don't forget, you have until the end of the month to sign up to participate in my one card swap! Reply to my post on the OCS or send me an email.
Thanks again my friends for making me feel so loved - it makes my foot feel so much better! Thanks for visiting me today. I'll be posting the baby scrapbook pages that I made over the weekend. Many hugs to you!