More photos from the Hawaii Regionals

I almost forgot to share more photos with you. I hope you don't mind if I do. There were many boards like these displaying cards and wondeful projects. This is one of my favorite boards. People were taking individual shots of their fave cards/projects as well, so it took a while to squeeze in to take photos! I thought this was cool. A bracelet made using a coke can punched with a heart punch. They must have sanded the edges, I couldn't imagine not sanding it for fear of getting cut!
Here's the sign in area...
And our lunch (sandwiches) were in these bags. I think I take photos like these because I have good intentions of scrapping them! Do you do that sometimes?
Here's my upline, Cindy Baughman...
And my friends! Irene, Faye, Linda and Wini
Here's Penny!
and Lynn
Caught Michelle on our way out...
I didn't make any cards to swap, but was so lucky to snag a few!

Sorry for such a long post, but just wanted to share! Thanks for looking today and sharing my memories from Regionals in Hawaii!