A rak for me and a rak back

Got this cute Gorjuss girl card and load of rhinestone brads from my GF Allison. Wowee girlfriend, how'd you know my stash was running low?? And they all fit in one card envelope, don't know how you managed that, but Thank you!!! I love the color combo she used and ain't this Gorjuss so purdy?
Here's a card I sent to Allison with a few of the new Gorjuss girls.. so with our luck, the mail will get there in a couple of weeks? Not a surprise!
I just love this fairy image that I got from Jodi. I'm really making good use of it! How do you like her blue hair? Not too far fetched for a fairy, ya think? I used a scraps from my stash, which I have tons of!!
I'm feeling a little better, but need to get more rest. It's a good thing for these pre-postings that we can do so you all can be kept up-to-date!
Come back to see my cute sun-kissed kitty card tomorrow! Hope you are all having a wonderful week!