to all of my friends who spoil me!! OMG, the excitement of receiving such fun things in the mail! I love all of the beautiful cards and generous raks that I have been blessed with. This first rak is from my friend, Enjoli, who lives in Kona. I am totally inspired on all of the beautiful things she makes, so breathtaking!! I love this cute Hello Kitty file folder she made. This slider card is just too darn cute! Please be sure you stop by Enjoli's blog, you're gonna be so happy that you did!! Thanks Enjoli!
My girlfriend, Joy, spoils me too! Oh my goodness. What did I do to deserve this rak GF?? I just love this cute little bag using the labels #1 nestie. This bag was filled with some goodies too, including this adorable flutter anya...OMG! Thank you so much Joy!! Be sure to check out Joy's blog many things to wow you!
Of course, I feel like a brat when I opened up the rak from Michelle. Michelle bought back all of these goodies from California, where she just came back from vacation. I am speechless girl! This is just too much and so generous of you. I am crying tears of joy...thank you, Michelle!! You are just too kind to me. If you love Hello Kitty, you must stop by Michelle's blog. She is the queen of the kitties...and she has so many fresh ideas!!
I won this really cute chinese girls stamp set from Cheryl. Cheryl hosted a challenge to make a cute box using the Sizzix XL box #2 die. Check out Cheryl's blog for some real fun creations and the latest with the kitty stuff! Thanks generous to give me these new stamps. I can't wait to use them! See you for lunch during the week. BTW, don't you just love this cute Hello Kitty tag that she attached to my gift?
This next rak comes from my aloha sister at heart, Colleen, who lives in California. Don't you just love that Hello Kitty egg? This was my Easter gift and I just jumped up and down for joy when I saw all of these goodies. Isn't the kitty in the cow suit just too cute??
Last, but definately, not least, is a rak I received from my friend and newest addition to my group, Stamping with Friends, Janis! Thanks Janis, I love the hedgehogs! Janis made me this cute post-it note holder. Janis is thinking of starting a blog, so we're all waiting!
THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart to all of you for these wonderful cards and gifts. I am so grateful to have you all in my life, not only for the beautiful creations, but for being my friend. Thanks to all of you too, who make regular visits to my blog. One of the neatest things to me is meeting people while I'm out shopping, who tell me, "I read your blog and I really liked...." It makes me feel so nice to hear that, and of course, to make new friends. So THANK YOU again, my friends! You make me feel so loved. Happy Monday!