Pop Up Scrapbook - May 2009 class

My GF Myra made one of these pop up scrapbooks for our Stamped with Aloha Christmas party last year grab bag and it was so cool, it just caught my attention! Myra was kind enough to share the link from where she saw the idea from, so I checked it out and decided that this was something pretty cool to make. I chose to make it in the month of May because May is scrapbooking month.

This idea was adapted from Leigh at Happyleighscrappin.blogspot.com and shared with me by my friend Myra. So full credit to Leigh for creating this book. So, here's my version on how to make this pop-up scrapbook.

Set aside 4 solid 12X12 cardstock sheets for the base of your book. Then, cut the following pieces from the designer papers in the kit. Note: The descriptions/instructions for the following pieces are based on the 2 Sweet Simply Scrappin kit. If you are using another kit, the descriptions will not match any other kit other than the 2 Sweet kit. But you can adapt these instructions to any kit or paper.

Dotted Pale Plum DS
--5 3/4 X 5 3/4 2 pieces
--5 1/2 X 5 1/2 4 pieces (cut the square in half diagonally – to make 2 triangle pieces)

Alphabet DS
--5 3/4 X 5 3/4 4 pieces

X Print Kiwi Kiss DS--
--5 3/4 X 5 3/4 4 pieces

Solid Textured Card Stock
--5 X 5 pieces
Basic Gray 1 piece
Perfect Plum 2 pieces
Pale Plum 1 piece
Kiwi Kiss 1 piece

--4 3/4" X 4 3/4"
Perfect Plum solid 1 piece
Step 1. Take one of the 12X12 solid cardstock that you had set aside and cut out a 6” x 5” block. Score the 12 x 12 page down the middle both ways creating three 6”x 6” pages. This will give you three 6”x 6” squares with one inch remaining on one square. Carefully cut up the middle of the 7” square so you now have a 1” flap. Score a diagonal line from top left corner to the center. Repeat this for the other three 12X12 solid cardstock so that you will have a total of 4 pages that look like the diagram below.
Step 2. Adhere a 5 3/4" square on the two un-scored squares on each 12X12 page. Adhere the 5 1/2" triangles on the square that has been scored diagonal. Do not decorate on the folds.
Step 3. To assemble each section. Fold the two flat pages up to form a three sided box. Glue the 1” flap to the back of the opposing wall (the back). Repeat for remaining three pages so that you will have a total of four sections that look like this:

The following photos are what each section looked like after we decorated it.

Step 4. Fold each section closed folding the diagonally scored page up into the square. Stack the 4 sections together placing the inside corners (flap side) of each section on the left. Adhere with strong tape (sticky strip, scor-tape) the back of each section to the top of the next section (three times). You should now have a book that opens to a four room album.

Step 5. Adhere a piece of ribbon 28” long to outside of the book. Adhere one 5 3/4" square to the front and back of the book covering the ribbon. For the front, add one 5” kiwi kiss square, then layer the 4 3/4" perfect plum square over. Decorate.

I hope the instructions weren't too complicated to understand because this project really isn't difficult to make. Give it a try. You really don't need to buy a scrapbook kit, just use what you have. Actually, I would practice on some plain cardstock just so you have an idea of how the pages are cut, scored and assembled into sections. I'd love to hear how your book turned out should you decide to make one. If you attended my class, I hope you enjoyed this project!

Again, thanks to Leigh and Myra! Thanks for making my day with your visit!