The Saturday, August 29, 2009 Blog entry dealt with Edward Petitt, the New Gretna School Principal in the late 1960's, and the 1968-69 PTA Booklet. Hopefully, it brought back memories of school days gone by.
Another school year started this week, so I thought I'd do a followup on Principal Petitt and an overview of the School Board, faculty, and support staff in the New Gretna School in the 1969-70 school year. I'm sure that the following photos from that Year Book will bring back memories from those of you who went to the New Gretna School that year or had children in the New Gretna School that year. If so, I would appreciate you sharing some of your memories here at the Blog. I see some familar names and faces, some of whom have appeared or have been mentioned in the Blog.
My thanks to Betty Petzak who loaned me the Year Book.
Pete S
PS- I'll be featuring the photos of some of the students from the 1969-70 year book this Sunday. If you went to the New Gretna School then, one of the photos might even be of you. Stay tuned!

First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Fourth Grade
Fifth Grade
Sixth Grade & Principal




Bus Drivers

Bus Driver