Sweet Sixteen Card

It's been a BUSY, BUSY week, as you can see from the lack of postings! Can't believe it's already Monday, again!!
My niece Jen celebrated her Sweet Sixteen birthday on Friday and here is the card I made for her. This is her drawing...I had her draw a bunch of these cuties for me and she had no idea that I was going to turn it into a card for her! Isn't is so sweet?? I'll call her Jen Jen, cuz that's my niece's name. Jen loves stars, so I thought I'd add a cute star with bling on it. HAPPY 16TH BIRTHDAY JEN! I can't even remember my 16th birthday, so long ago! LOL!! Here's the close up...
And here is the inside of the card...I used my quickutz dies for this one. Love this Frankie numbersThis weekend was my giftcard holder class and we were so excited that Enjoli from the Big Island was in town and wanted to come to the class! Here's a photo of us blogging sisters from L to R - back row...Linda, Janis, Joy, Enjoli...front row...Denise, me, Jenny V. We had a fun time chatting and crafting! I'll be posting a cute rak I received from Enjoli sometime this week...
Missed you all...I will be posting the projects from the giftcard holder class. For those of you who ordered kits, they will be sent out real soon! I was lucky that Becky offered to help me stamp yesterday after class so they are done! Yay! Thanks Becky! Thanks for your visit! See you tomorrow!