Illustration Now 3 and Jamiyla & Adrienne's show...
A couple of things. First off, Illustration Now 3, published my Taschen, has just been released... I'm lucky enough to be included with such an amazing group of illustrators... It feels great to be in this book, as I'm such a big fan of the series and so many other books published by Taschen...
Here is the official blurb:
The latest volume Illustration Now! presents a dazzling selection of groundbreaking work by 150 of the world's most exciting illustrators. A fascinating mix of established master draftsmen and neophytes, working in a vast range of techniques, Illustration Now! Vol. 3 features illustrators from 30 countries, including information about their career paths, and lists of selected exhibitions. Also included is an introduction by specialist Steven Heller on current trends in the field. This book is perfect for graphic artists, creative professionals and illustration students, as well as anyone with an appreciation for draftsmanship and visual language.
And HERE is the link to the Taschen page featuring the book...
Secondly and more importantly, Jamiyla and Adrienne are having their first two-person show this weekend... It's happening Friday night at Penny Arcade, which is located at 1177 Dundas West... It runs from 8pm - midnight, they will both have new work, and there will be cheap beer... If you live in the city, you should come out and have fun! I'm really really excited...