I think I must the the last one (everytime!) to post awards and such...so sorry...sometimes just creating and posting takes every last shred of energy left in me - by the time I get home, I'm exhausted! Okay, enough pity for myself eh?! I figured I better post this before it gets lost with all of the others that I have failed to post. My apologies to you all who have passed on awards to me and never saw it on my blog...please forgive me... Well, I got this award from my GF and DL, Janis. I thought this was fun to see everyone's one word answers to these designated questions. Thanks Janis!

Here are the questions and my answers...tried to stick to that one word...hard for me (wink!)
1. Where is your cell phone? on my craft table
2. Your hair? highlighted
3. Your mother? sleeping
4. Your father? sleeping
5. Your favorite food? noodles
6. Your dream last night? none
7. Your favorite drink? mocha
8. Your dream/goal? be happy
9. What room are you in? Craft
10. Your hobby? craftmaking
11. Your fear? lizards
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? dunno
13. Where were you last night? home
14. Something you aren't? tall
15. Muffins? chocolate chip
16. Wish list items? too many (greedy)
17. Where did you grow up? Waimanalo
18. Last thing you did? Blog
19. What are you wearing? pj's
20. Your TV? off
21. Your pets? mochiko
22. Friends? Many
23. Your life? Busy
24. Your mood? tired
25. Missing someone? yes
26. Vehicle? Da Bus
27. Something you're not wearing? earrings
28. Your favorite store? Brighton
29. Your favorite color? Pink
30. When was the last time you laughed? today
31. Last time you cried? today
32. Your best friend? cuddly
33. One place that I want to go over and over? dunno
34. Facebook? yes
35. Favorite place to eat? Tenkaipin (ramen)
Wow, I never realized that being limited to one word answers is pretty hard for me, so podagee yeah? Okay, I'm supposed to forward this to five people...I'm not sure who has gotten this already except for those that I recently visited. Probably everyone already since I'm so late, but here are the five: Cheryl, Manle, Joy D., Jean (Dandelion Designs), Rita...