Here's another drawing from my upcoming show... It's called: "Wildlife - Marine Regions" and its 18" x 23"... I noticed that I never put up decent documentation of the butterfly piece, so here it is. It's around 46" x 60". Now I will never mention the drawing again... click on them and they get a lot bigger...
Also, anyone wo reads The Road of Knives may have noticed that I haven't posted on it in a really long time, since early summer... I've actually stopped working on it. I feel sort of sad about that, because I loved working with Shawn and Zak and thought it was a really cool project. I decided to drop out though because I found it took up a lot of my time, and I was having a hard time getting my personal work done.. Anyway, they are still going strong with it, Shawn's newest move is killer, and they just set up a new website for it...
Below is Shawn's newest mover, and HERE is the new website...
Ok, bye everyone. I'll put some more show work on here later on...