More Sweet Candy!
Here's another set up for grabs. I totally fell in love with this set when I first saw it in the CTMH catty! Still love it, but now don't have time to use all I bought!! LOL! I know that sounds familiar to alot of you huh?? I thought that this set would be a good one to use on a scrapbook from a fun vacation. Speaking of which, I haven't gone on a vacation in two years! I started my scrapbook, but it's still sits waiting to be finished. Sometime when I have nothing else to do, I'll finish it...(I can hear the laughter on this one!)
Want a chance to win this set?? Leave me a comment and tell me when you last went on a fun vacation and where! My last vacation was a cruise to the Panama Canal that I earned through Stampin' Up! We had a blast and I'd love to do it again!!