Finally, this cute BAB bunny was found on the grass outside of my yard by the parked cars...did anyone lose theirs?? If this is yours, please email me so I can send it to you!!
March Class Projects
Wow! where did the weekend go? It was so nice to see everyone again at the classes. Here are the projects for the month of March! For our first project, we made a cute bucket using the SU pillow box die and added a cute chick to the front of the bucket.
Here's a side view of the bucket.
Our second project - 4 milk cartons and a cute holder. Our bonus was this build-a-bear cutie with bunny ears.
Here's another view of the project. I'll try to post a mini tutorial on how to make this cute holder. It's a variation of one that I saw online. I just tweaked it up a bit (with the help of Joy - thanks!!) to make it real simple (just the way I like it!)
I hope those who attended enjoyed the projects. If you ordered a kit "to go", they are ready to go after I finish scoring the lines on the holder...Thanks to my sister Cheryl who helped me cut out all the pieces!!