Favorite Glacier Shots

So in the last 200 years, this park has lost over 120 of it's glaciers, and is down to about 26. They estimate that all of them will be gone by 2030 - and much of the wildlife with it. So enjoy these goats and sheep now people, I don't know how long they'll all be around :-/

Biking part of the Going-to-the-Sun road.

Goose Island - midway up our bike trek on the mtn.

St. Mary's Lake

Along the falls trail

Thinking about a dip. St. Mary's Lake was gawgeous, and cold! We did take one later.

St. Mary's Falls (click to make bigger - there's a rainbow!)

Before the storm

Pink clouds at night

On the Iceberg Lake trail

Iceberg Lake - never really thaws in summer

Top of Iceberg Lake Trail

Mountain Goats

Rams - lookin' ugly with their summer wool


Waiting to get through Logan Pass by car.

So close!