
Native Sunflower to Montana

I thought I'd catch up on some pictures from Montana (or Montucky as Bryce from Native Ideals calls it). On this trip I'll be visiting several new states on my checklist, but this one has won my heart so far.

First, some pictures from the farm: Native Ideals.
Though this poofball is a weed for the farm, it is pretty in the light. :)

The southern side of the farm with Mt. McCloud in the background. 

I'm forgetting - but I think the Cutleaf Daisy (?) - we weeded the younger version.

Rows of wildflowers. 

Scarlet Gilia

Deerhorn Clarkia - the one annual they currently sell.

While we were at the farm, we went to the PowWow (an annual celebration of the local tribes that happens right in Arlee). Part of the celebration is the rodeo, which seemed to be more of a European American event in reality. I'd never been to one, and thought the 4th of July was an appropriate day to start, but I walked away a little unsure about the practice.



Finally, we had the chance to go see the National Bison Range, a few miles from Arlee. The range has bison, but also Elk, Deer, Antelope, Black Bear, lots of birds and marmots. Native Ideals actually does some contract work with the refuge. The bison are enormous; they can easily weigh one ton! Here's a few favorite shots. 

The Missions are in the background

Female Elk with a little one down slope.

White Tailed Deer on the move

There are somewhere between 300-500 on the range. We probably saw a total of 100 driving around. 


A storm rolling in. The sky is amazing from the valley.