Print Show Tomorrow Night, Gallery Walkthrough Saturday...

I haven't updated this blog in about a month, I find it hard to keep it updated while working hard on a show, just because when I'm doing a solo show, there really isn't a lot to post. And it takes about a year of solid work to do a show well, so that's a long time without new work on here... Why didn't I become the type of artist that can do a piece in a week? I could post progress shots, but then the work will be old news by the time I open my show, so I'm not sure what to do... Anyway, I'll keep it updated with any small things that come up between now and my solo show (November 2011 in Marseille), but be aware that I am working my ass off in the meantime...

Tomorrow night, Jamiyla and my intern from this summer, Andrew Bailey, are in a group show at LE. Gallery. Its called The Maker and it's part of the Printopolis Festival, and has quite a few good printmakers in the show. I have a piece in the show as well, but it is slightly older work, it is a collaborative piece I did with Luke Painter last year as a fundraiser for OCAD...

Anyway, here is one of Jams' piece for the show, and below that is the link to the facebook event... In case you don't already know, LE. Gallery is located at 1186 Dundas W, the show is Thursday October 7th, 7-10pm...

You can see the facebook event page here...

One more thing, this Saturday, I will be a part of a walkthrough of The Dazzle, the group show up at Narwhal... I guess I'll just talk about my work, my studio, and the influence of nature in my work... I'm really not great at public speaking, I get pretty nervous and I stutter, so that will be additional entertainment if you come...

Below are a few installation shots of the show, and a link to the facebook page. Just in case you don't have facebook, the walkthrough is between 3 - 5 on Saturday October 9th. Narwhal is at 680 Queen West...

Here is the facebook event page...

Ok, that's it for now, take care everyone...