Internship Position

Thank you to everyone that sent me an email regarding the internship position. I am a bit overwhelmed, I left my computer in my apartment, went downstairs and worked all day, and now I've returned to my computer to see that I've received more responses than I had anticipated. I'm going to take my laptop onto the couch and go through all of the emails before going to sleep, and I will email everyone a response tomorrow.

If you do not receive a positive response, please understand that it is just because I have received more people responding than I could possibly employ. If I could, I would have everyone come in and help out in the studio. Also, I imagine that an unpaid intern position will have a high turnover rate, so I will keep this list on hand and email more people as positions become available, or if I discover that I could use a second intern.

Again, thank you to everyone who contacted me today, I will send out an email tomorrow afternoon.