The Big Smoke

So last week I was in NYC for my buddy Sean McCarthy's opening at Fredericks and Freiser gallery... I'm bad at taking photos and didn't take any of Sean or his art, but the show was absolutely stunning. If you live in NYC, you have to check it out... Here is a link to the gallery.

In NYC I just saw some old friends, met some new friends, and spent a lot of time in my hotel either drawing or throwing up in the sink... are some photos of my room...

So I didn't get up to much when I was there... I was usually hung over in the morning. Once I could deal with getting out of bed, I would draw all day, go out with the gallery for dinner, come back and draw another couple of hours, then meet my friends and drink.

I liked this schedule, I got to draw all day, I was well fed, and well watered...

I did go for a couple of walks though, and Zak showed me this new store:


Don't judge the store based on the website... The real store has tons of stuff, all vintage Japanese toys... I've stopped collecting toys myself, but I bought a couple to bring back to my studio mates... Anyway, if you live in New York, or are visiting it soon, check the store out. Also, the girl who runs it is really friendly and easy to ask questions to... Thats important for me cause I get kinda weird in stores, or public in general I guess....

Here are my two best buds in the City, Maia and Kate... I met them about 6 years back, the first time I visited the city...

Ok, I'm realizing that this post is sorta lame... It has the potential to be very similar to when a girl says: "Hey, do you want to see my family photos?!" and you say: "ah, ok...", and 2 hours later you are thinking to yourself: "help me...".

So this is the last NYC photo. Its of my friend and sorta hero Zak Smith, he got one of my drawings from an old sketchbook tatooed on his leg. Zak's in porn, so now I have a drawing in the porn industry...

OK, now we are on the topic of tattoos... here is my old friend Aaron Hill:

We lived with each other for a couple of years. Then he moved to Oakville to apprentice as a tattoo artist, and I moved to Italy for a little while...

One day he was using my computer and he saw an image I made, a mashup of two photos... The top part was a skull, the bottom was my face, just my lips and beard. He saw it and said: "I want to get that tattooed." and I said: "Really?" and now he has a tattoo of my face on his arm...

If I am ever married, I would trust my wife with Aaron above and beyond any other person. I imagine if she were to ever leave me for another man, it wouldn't be a man with her husbands face tattoed on his arm...unless I did something to really piss her off... Ah, did any of that make sense? Shit, being on the computer too long makes me weird, I need to get back to drawing...

Ok, still on the topic of tattoos, here is a tattoo a girl in Vermont got, its of the Pegasus, a satellite launching centre... Agh, I can't find the actual title of the drawing right now, I think its on my other computer...

Ok, so last thing.... I get lots of emails asking if I will design people tattoos... Unfortunately the answer is no, I'm pretty swamped with work, and designing tattoos isn't really my passion... Although, if you want anything that I have already drawn tattooed, go for it... Just email me with photos afterwards, and its all good...

okok, thanks for reading such a long post...