About those cute Hello Kitty images

Sorry, no card to share just yet. Getting ready for my class today but I just wanted to share this. I'm sure not everyone is a Hello Kitty fan, but there are alot of you who love her like I do! Just in case you were interested in where I got the latest images from like this here:
and this:
Here is the site that I got them from HK. These images are for personal use only so if you were planning to use them for your blog or something like that, I saw a disclaimer that you had to ask permission (just FYI). Also, if you want to expand your search for more HK images, all I did was to use the google search and typed in hello kitty images. There are TONS! Have fun! I'd love to see what you guys create with your HK images!!
I'll be posting week #3 candy winner tonight after my class and also will be posting week #4 candy goodies!
I also want to thank you all for reading and/or subscribing to my blog even though all of my posts may not be of huge interest to you. I try to stay focus on my projects cuz I know that's what you all come here for in the first place, but I also blog to journal about my daily life happenings as well. I have made so many new friendships through blogs and I feel like I know everyone personally even though we never met! I subscribe to alot of blogs through email, following and reader myself and I just want to say THANK YOU to you all and how much I appreciate all of the time and effort that everyone who blogs put into their blogging! I tell ya, all bloggers appreciate a comment every now and then, and not only when there's candy involved (wink!) See you all later!