Pilot 4

My friend Lee Sheppard, along with a couple of his friends, publishes this great illustrated literary pocketbook entitled Pilot... I have some work in the new issue... If you are a creative writer you should go to the website, look around, and if you like what you see, submit... If you are a fan of reading or looking at things, you can purchase copies of the pocketbook on the site as well...

I met Lee about 7 years ago, I got a job at an art supply store when I was in 2nd year in college, and Lee was my supervisor... Since that time we have become friends and he lives just around the corner from my studio... I was trying to think of a story about Lee to post on here, so I decided to post this one, just because its the most embarrassing...

When I was working at the art supply store, close to the time that I got the job, I had a crush on one of the other workers there... I'd get a little nervous when I was taking to her, and I always wanted her to believe I was a little cooler than I actually was... When I was younger I didn't really understand that the best way to approach a girl is to just be yourself... One day right around the time I got the job I was really tired and I wanted a snack, so I locked myself in the bathroom and ate a big bag of Doritos. I must have been there a long time or left some crumbs on the floor, or maybe Lee was outside the door listening to me, but somehow he knew what I was up to... About 15 minutes later I was finished the Doritos and I was talking to the girl, trying to drop subtle little hints that I was awesome, and then mid conversation Lee come up and says: "Did you just lock yourself in the bathroom and eat an entire bag of Doritos?" I was all like: "Ah, no. Why would I do that? That's stupid..." but Lee wouldn't give up, he called me on it until I confessed. And my face was beat red, and then I had no reason to try to convince this girl that I was cool anymore. I don't think Lee realized what he was doing to me... He wasn't even mad at all, he thought it was funny, but back then I got embarrassed way more easy than I do now, and didn't have the best luck with girls... It shouldn't have embarrassed me, but there was something about getting caught feebly lying about it right in front of this girl that made it really pathetic...

Ok, thats not much of a story, but there it is..

Here are some shots of the pocket book... It reprints some of the work that I showed in Berlin, which I have already posted here, so I will not include many pages...

Also, I finished my Road of Knives page... it must seem to people that RoK is what I spend the majority of my time on, but that isn't true... Its just that I like to keep my other drawings a little more underwraps until I am done an entire series, which takes quite a while... In March I'm in an art fair in Paris, I will post a bunch of new drawings then...

This is the first time drawing a landscape I think, so go easy on me... Man, doing stuff for the road of knives is really difficult for me because it is all stuff that I don't have a lot of experience in drawing, but I also hink that if i stick with it, pushing myself into unfamiliar territory will hopefully improve my work overall...

Ok, thanks for reading all of this, I think the Dorito's story is an attempt on posting more content, but all of my stories are kinda boring and kinda pathetic, so maybe I should just stick to images...