CHA - I love the unveiling of new stuff

What does this pic have to do with new products? Well, nothing! I just hate posting without pics! Here's Mochiko cruising on her towel - she's just thrilled that I want to share this info with you!, Really! can't you tell?
I don't normally post about stuff like CHA but just wanted to share this with you. If you like to read about the latest and greatest in the craft industry, then you must check out CRAFT CRITIQUE. These bunch of ladies report on the L&G products on the market today. Check their site out here. They are running a contest right now so go check them out. I'm not posting about their site to enter the contest, I've been a subscriber to their site for a while, just got excited seeing all the new stuff that will be arriving at favorite craft stores soon. Check out the new machine called Slice by Making Memories, really neat! Here's the video I took off from the MM site: Cool, huh. I'm sure Cheryl is getting new product overload right now!