Cute Valentine's Day Gift

This is one of my favorite gifts to make for Valentine's Day. It's such a useful gift and inexpensive too!
I learned how to make this about 8 years ago when I first joined Stampin' Up! Went to a meeting and this was the make and take that we did. Isn't it cute?? It's a roll of TP rolled up in tissue paper that we rollered. I used a retired roller because I didn't think ahead - it would've looked cute using the new I {love} love jumbo roller. Finished it off with some satin red ribbon and a tag with a cute poem. I also used my Pinking Hearts Border punch (117649) - love those tiny hearts! Also used my Small Heart Punch (117193); used a dimensional to pop it on a 3/4" circle. Here's the poem in case you'd like to make a few Valentine's gifts.
Hope you are enjoying your weekend so far. I'm starting to get a scratchy throat so am thinking I'd best end here and get right to bed to sleep it off! Don't want to get sick!! The OCS is closed and I will be posting the list of players tomorrow!

Facebook Event

I'm not on Facebook, but my friend Matt was kind enough to set up an event page for the show... I'm not completely sure how it works, but Andrew says you can invite people with it...

Here's the link.

Making a Difference

Haitian Disaster Relief
Stampin′ Up! demonstrators have a long history of making a difference in the lives of others--especially when disaster strikes and the need is greatest. So it was not surprising that so many demonstrators have contacted SU asking what the plans are for helping to provide relief for those who continue to suffer from the effects of the earthquake that struck Haiti on January 12.
Want to know how you can help? Check out this sweet set in the Occasions Mini Catalog on Page 14. This set is called I {Heart} Hearts.
From now until February 28, 2010, $2 from every I {Heart} Hearts stamp set ordered will be donated to the American Red Cross’ Haiti Relief and Development Fund. The Red Cross is already well-established in Haiti, and this money will be used to provide immediate relief and long-term support through supplies, technical assistance and other support to help those in need.

Product Name: I {Heart} Hearts - clear mount (block D recommended)
Item # 118571 $18.95
Product Name: I {Heart} Hearts – wood-mount
Item # 117010 $26.95
I love that Stampin' Up! always helps when there is a disaster or a need. I just received my set last night and I couldn't wait to ink it up! Here's what I created with it especially since Valentine's Day is right around the corner!
I was even more excited to learn that our full heart punch (113693) worked perfect! I added the small heart (117193) to it. Isn't it so cute? I'm lovin' the new flat punches too! So easy to use and store.
BTW, if you would like to make a difference and order this sweet stamp set, please log into my SU website and shop now! Remember, you will not only be purchasing a super cute stamp set, but you will be making a donation for the Haitian Disaster Relief Fund. Won't you help? I know you will love using this set.
Thanks for your visit today and all of your sweet comments. Don't forget to come back because I can't wait to share with you a cute and fun little Valentine's gift!

Something Sweet for You

It's been a while since I last gave up some blog candy, so thought it was a great time for me to offer up something sweet to thank you all for your love and support. I love celebrating birthdays! Bought this fun set from my GF Jean who is a Close to My Heart Consultant. I bought this set and then stashed it away and only found it while I was major reorganizing! I decided to give this up to some lucky person. How do you win?? Leave me a comment and tell me what your favorite birthday cake is. My all time favorite cake was a cake that my mom used to bake from scratch - a yellow cake with peach frosting. It was the yummiest!! The closest store bought cake is the Peach Bavarian cake from Zippy's...I think I have mom's recipe and just might have to look for it! Blog candy comments will close on Sunday, January 31st midnight (Hawaii time)...Winner to be announce the following week. After that, another candy will be unveiled Good luck! Looking forward to hearing from you!

The last of those beautiful handmade cards

Here are the last of the beautiful handmade cards that I wanted to share with you. I love them all! When I look at them, they bring me a sense of peace and joy knowing that the cards were lovingly made. Mom would've loved seeing all of them. I miss her so much!

Thanks to all of you for your continued support. It really helps ease the pain that I'm feeling. I've been trying to get online to blurf a bit to see what you all have been up to. I know that my mojo will return once I'm ready. I can't wait! I wanted to thank you all for being patient while I spend a little time grieving here. I miss creating and sharing with you. Please come back tomorrow for my first sweet candy! Big hugs to you!

Last call for the February OCS

Hey all! I forgot to mention a deadline to sign up for the February one card swap! If you are interested in playing for the month of February, please sign up no later than Saturday, January 30, 2010. Remember, if you are a NEW PLAYER, send me your info VIA EMAIL ONLY (email on my sidebar). If you are a returning player, just leave me a comment on this post. Here's who I have down so far...if I've missed you, please help me out by letting me know! Thanks so much!
Jacqui Medeiros
Marisa Faylim
Michelle Ped
Caroline Kovacs
Mary Bennett
Jayne Converse
Jodi Ann Lee
Lori Ota
Jamee Nibling
Denise Nibling
Tia Iida
Claudia Pena Castellanos
Enjoli Bennett
Liann Mailangi
Ilissa Willing
Jenny Sakamoto
Kristin Nagashiki
Jenny Viloria
Chris Domino
Janice McConnell
Jovita Torres
Berenice Rendon
Cyndi Kim
Kris Palakiko
Joni Haraga
Kyoko Patoc
Linda Kuniyoshi
Elena Cazinha
Sharon Banta
Gail Woo
Brenda Ballesteros
Colleen Kwan
Dori Tsukamoto
Gina Wrona
Vina Tom
Kim Dylewicz
Whew! That's alot of players! Thanks ladies for keeping up with my one card swap!! Without you playing, no swap!!
BTW, just a reminder, if you cannot fulfill your one card swap obligation, please be courteous by emailing your partner and me to let us know. I know that we all have busy lives, and certainly things can just pop up and happen, but if you sign up for the swap and cannot do it, informing your partner is a good idea. I have participated in a bunch of swaps in the past and after I had fulfilled my obligation, was left hanging out to dry, receiving nothing, not even a courtesy email. It's one of the worse feelings you can feel (in the swap world at least) having all that anticipation waiting for your swap and then receive nothing. For me, it was a huge let down. I don't want that to happen here, okay?
Anyway, I just wanted to mention this because in the past, I have had "small kine" mentions about this. So ladies, let's be good partners, k?? THANKS SO MUCH!!

The Mysterious Mrs. Seel Identified

Last Wednesday I posted a 1924 advertisement, reprinted below, from the New Gretna Methodist Church Directory regarding a Mrs. G. Seel and asked for help in identifying who Mrs. G. Seel was and where her business was located.

I specifically appealed to Dave Kalm, Clif Brown, and Don Maxwell, as they have a wealth of New Gretna knowledge from their earlier days in New Gretna. I didn't hear from Dave or Clif, so I'm going to assume that they have no recollection regarding Mrs. Seel. I also put eagle eye Jim McAnney on the case but, he too, came up empty. He had a few wild theories, including one which had Mrs. Seel running a house of ill repute and thus keeping a low profile in town, but nothing concrete.

Happily, I did hear from Don Maxwell. Unfortunately he didn't remember hearing about Mrs. Seel; however, he did remember Supplee ice cream being sold in New Gretna and told about another, often forgotten, New Gretna restaurant located where Munchies now sits. I thought I would share Don's email with you, as his stories are always informative and interesting. I wish I could get him to write more often.


I can't say that I can recall any Seel's restaurant in New Gretna. however my earliest recollection of the little restaurant on the S.E. corner of South Maple Avenue (commonly called Eel Street in those days), sort of diagonally across from our house next to the Rustic, had a Supplee ice cream sign hanging out in front of it for years. My dad, Curtis Maxwell, told me he built it for Harry "Nic" Mathis and his wife, Aunt Sally. She was my mother's aunt (my Grandmother Allen's sister) who was Keefer Allen's wife and my mother's mother. They ran a restaurant there for a number of years. I don't know who they sold to.

Don Maxwell's parents, Curtis and Dorothy. Don inherited his story telling abilities from his dad, Curtis. (Photo courtesy of Marian Broome.)

My earliest recollection of the proprietors of that place was William Cramer and his wife. He was called Bill Butcher, as he went into the butcher business after he and his brother, Ward, retired from the glassblowing business somewhere down in South Jersey. He had a butcher shop in the back with sawdust on the floor with a big walk in box, and his wife (I know her name, but it eludes me at the present) ran a restaurant in the front.

I remember mom sending me over for a quart of ice cream (Supplees) and she would dip it out with a large spoon into a quart container that had the top folded up after filling. When she finished, before replacing the spoon back in the water, she would lick it first. I remember a lot of people complaining about that practice.

A 1904 Supplee ice cream poster
(Photo from Google Images)

The Cramers had no children and didn't get along very well, as he was always complaining about how nosy she was. Every time he had a meat customer she would peek around the corner, and he would say here comes the old battle axe.

After he retired from that business, Delwyn Downs took it over; however, he didn't last long. Delwyn clerked in Clarance Mathis' store for a number of years. After that, he went into the well drilling business. He drilled a lot of wells around New Gretna for years.

Don Maxwell

Delwin Downs worked behind the counter and delivered groceries throughout New Gretna from Clarence Mathis' store for many years. (Photo courtesy of Norman and Ann Mathis.)

Now, back to the case at hand. Every good detective knows that if you keep working on a case and get the word out that, eventually, you will get a breakthrough. Such was the case here. My history buddy, Steve Eichinger, came to the rescue. The name "Seel" didn't ring a bell with him; however, he suggested that we visit the Township Tax Office and check the old tax books from the mid 1920's. If the Seels owned property in town, their names should appear in the tax records.

Steve and I spent an hour or so this afternoon in the Bass River Township Tax Office pouring over dusty tax books from the mid 1920's. Unfortunately the 1924 tax book, the year of Mrs. G. Seel's advertisement, was missing. My expectations were dashed. We then set out to look at the years before and after 1924 and hit pay dirt.

Suddenly, as Steve was reading through the 1925 tax book, the name "Seel" lept from the bottom of page 13, and Steve let out a loud "Yippie". I knew that was a good sign. Who said that 13 was an unlucky number? Nestled between Sadie Downs and Kirk Loveland on West Main Street, the present day Route 9, was Gustav Seel. The handwritten record showed that he was taxed on 2 acres of land, a dwelling, and an outbuilding.

Tax records don't list the family members, so I can't tell you the first name of Gustav's wife, the Mrs. G. Seel listed in the ad. Probably, the "G" referred to her husband, Gustav. Back in the old days, the wife was often referred to in terms of her husband. Such was likely the case here. Of course the "G" may have been for Gertrude or Gail, but I doubt it.

Fortunately the manner in which they kept the tax books in the 1920's was a help in figuring out just where the Seels lived. The names were listed in the order of the houses on the street. While we were unsure as to just where the Seel house was, we were familiar with the house location of some of the adjacent names. This allowed us to determine the Seel house location which is shown on the map below.

The Seel home was located on the present day Route 9 on your right as your are approaching the intersection with Amasas Landing Road. (Photo from Bing Maps)

This is the present day Route 9 house that Steve and I believe belonged to the Seels in the mid 1920's. (January 24, 2009 photo by Pete Stemmer)

Since no one seemed to remember the Seels nor did they leave much of a paper trail, it is likely that they didn't live in New Gretna for long. The tax books confirmed that viewpoint. The Seel name was absent from the 1923 tax book. A "L.V. Brewin" occupied the same house in the 1923 tax notations which documented the dwelling on 2 acres and also listed a store at the same location. This established that a business was run from that house just prior to the Seels obtaining the property. It would not be surprising that Mrs. Seel would also choose to run her food enterprise from the same location, as the house would have already been configured for a home business. Somehow, it seems her business escaped the eyes of the tax assessor.

Even though the 1924 tax book was unavailable, we know that Mrs. Seel was operating a business, likely from her home, by her ad in the 1924 New Gretna Methodist Church Directory. Some elementary deduction tells us that the Seels moved to New Gretna between the end of 1923 and July, 1924.

The front cover of the July, 1924 Methodist Church Directory which contained Mrs. Seel's ad tells us that the Seels were in New Gretna in July, 1924. (Methodist Directory courtesy of Marian Broome.)
An examination of the 1925 tax book failed to find the Seels listed, indicating that they left New Gretna somewhere between July, 1924 and the beginning of 1925. Their stay in New Gretna was, indeed, a short one.

Well, that ends our little journey concerning the Seels brief business dealings in New Gretna. I haven't had a chance to track them down in the 1920 census, prior to their coming to New Gretna or in the 1930 census after they left New Gretna. I would like to find out Mrs. Seel's first name. Perhaps an enterprising Blog reader will take on that challenge.

I did find a Gustave Seel in the Social Security death records. He was born June 21, 1889 and died December 1975 in Pleasantville, New Jersey, not far from New Gretna. He applied for Social Security in New York prior to 1951. That indicates a definite New York connection which may be a clue, if this is our Gustave, in fitting some more pieces of the puzzle together. The hunt never seems to stop in this history business.

P Stemmer

Sharing more beautiful cards

Today I am sharing more of the beautiful handmade cards with you. I'm still looking for my mojo. It's around somewhere! I started to clean up my craft room big time and boy, do I have alot of stuff in there that I don't remember why I bought it or how I got it! I'm sure some of you feel the same about your rooms too. I'm really trying hard to promote my Stampin' Up! business because I really do love the products! I get side track alot with all of the many cute products that are hitting the market, but I always come back to my SU products. I will be posting every now and then something I may have made with other products, or share with you a good sale (for the local girls) but for the most part, I am trying my best to stick with my business. Thanks to all of the island girls for the huge support. As of today, MY FEBRUARY 13 CLASS IS FULL! I actually am allowing the bulk of the people to come on that day since Feb 14 is probably reserved for special dates and such since it's Valentine's Day! Be prepared to love your neighbor on the 13th! Enough yakking and on to those beautiful cards. I seemed to have lost my mojo, but not my skill for chatting!

One more day of lovely cards to share and then I'll be announcing some fun blog candy! It's been a while since I've had any sweets to share!

Chimera - Feb 4th - NYC

This is the post I've been excited to make for a long time now... I just received the invite for my show in NYC... There are 14 pieces in the show, its pretty much all of the work I've done over the last year and a half. Here is the opening info:

Thursday Feb 4th, 6-8pm
Fredericks and Freiser Gallery
536 W 24th Street

I guess I didn't need to type that, you can click on the flier below and it will become large enough to read.

Generally at openings at Fredericks and Freiser we all go out for too many drinks afterwards at a bar not too far away... Anyone still around at the end of the opening is more than welcome...

Here are a couple of pieces from the show...

Mitsuo Kimura

My friend Mitsuo is having a solo show at LE Gallery next Friday, February 5th. Unfortunately I can't be there because I'll be in NYC for my show, but anyone who is in Toronto should check it out... His stuff is crazy, when I first saw it I assumed that Mitsuo did tons and tons and tons of drugs, but according to him he doesn't...

Below is the flyer, click it and it will become large enough to read.

Looking for my mojo

Can't believe that it's been a week since I've logged in...I guess my reasons are valid for not creating much since last week was mom's service and there is still so much to do here at home. Over the weekend, everyone seemed to have gotten sick - Dad and Nolan have bronchitis. We even made a trip to the ER for Nolan for his asthma - Did anyone notice the thick vog??? I'm forcing myself to go to bed early so I don't get sick. **sigh** I haven't even gone back to work yet.
Anyway, tonight, I will start sharing with you some of the beautiful handmade cards that my family received from sweet friends. I will be showing you cards over the next three days since I received so many! Enjoy! A couple of reasons why I want to share with you, is to show my appreciation for the beautiful handmade cards and to give you some ideas for sympathy cards. Thanks to all of you who took the time to make such special cards!

More cards tomorrow! Many hugs to all of you for the love and support shown to my family and me.

The Mysterious Mrs. Seel

I've been collecting old New Gretna business ads for over ten years and, recently, came across an interesting ad in a 1924 St. Paul's United Methodist Church Directory found in Marian Broome's attic. I stumbled across it while looking for some photos to illustrate Marian's autobiography in the January 20, 2010 Blog entry. It's interesting to me because I have no idea who Mrs. G. Seel was, what type of business she ran (restaurant, luncheonette, etc.), where her business was, or where she lived. I've never come across the Seel surname while doing any New Gretna history or genealogy work.

I searched the 1920 and 1930 Bass River Township census and couldn't find a Seel listed. I also gave Myrtle Wiseman Falkinburg, who just turned 90 this week, a call to see if she recognized the name but, unfortunately, she wasn't familiar with it. I knew the ad was printed when Myrtle was only 4 years old but was hoping that she may have heard her mom or dad mention the Seel family as she grew up.

I'm hoping that one of our Blog readers will recognize the name and, perhaps, answer some of my questions. Maybe Dave Kalm, Clif Brown, or Don Maxwell can put on their "thinking caps" and come up with some answers.

Also, I encourage anyone with an old New Gretna business ad or two to let me know via email or the comments section below. I'm always looking to expand my New Gretna Business Ads collection.

Pete S

Marian Broome and the Class of 1932

This is the last Blog posting regarding the 1932 Tuckerton High School 50th Class Reunion, and I've saved the best for last. Following is the autobiography of Marian Broome, who was a dear friend and a big help to me in gathering information and understanding New Gretna history from the 1930's through the 1990's. I spent many enjoyable hours with Marian just chewing the fat about the "good old days" in New Gretna. She was a remarkable woman with a detailed memory of so many people and events. If you've ever known Marian, you would never forget her. She was one of a kind! By the way, the middle initial "C" was for Chestnut.

Marian (Ben) C. Broome
P.O. Box 13
New Gretna, N.J. 08224

"Honor Student"

After graduation in 1932 I spent the Summer as a Waitress in my Uncle's Hotel in Ocean City, N.J., and continued that practice through the following Summers, including 1936. In September, 1932 I entered Temple University in the School of Business Administration and graduated in June 1934. In '34 I was employed as Secretary to the Branch Manager of Hajoca Corp., Camden, N.J. (a large plumbing and heating company with thirty-seven serving the Eastern Seaboard. On October 17, 1936 I married Alfred L. Pannebakker who was Credit Manager for American-Standard in Philadelphia the Suburban areas, whom I met while attending Temple. Knot was not tied securely and ended in divorce in 1942.

Marian Broome and husband to be, Al Pannebakker, at the Broome home on North Maple Avenue, New Gretna. Easter, 1934. (Photo courtesy of Marian Broome.)

In 1937 I was transferred to the General Office in Philadelphia as Secretary to the General Office. It was great and an ideal company to work for. I was active in of their business and social groups and a member of their Bowling Team. In 1945 my Mother, Sister and I joined the Order of Eastern Star, Tuckerton Chapter #54, on the same night.

Marian (right) was installed in the Order of the Eastern Star with her mother, Elizabeth, (center) and her sister, Jennie, (left). (Photo courtesy of Marian C. Broome.

A cousin had married a Commander in the and moved to England. So in 1953 I was invited to be their guest the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth. I sailed from New on May 14, 1953 the S.S. Maritania and, after spending six weeks, returned home on the S.S. QE 1, This was my most outstanding vacation and truly a great experience.

While I was in England I was privileged to visit several other Countries. Travelled by plane from London to Paris, on to Geneva, Switzerland, then to Berne and back to London. Flying through the Alps is both thrilling and beautiful. In 1955 I was made Secretary to the Purchasing and Assistant Purchasing Agents of Hajoca Corp. In 1957 the General Office moved to Ardmore, Pa. so I too moved my residency to Ardmore. Through the years I have taken numerous trips through the United States and Canada. Had a most enjoyable ten day Boat trip from Montreal up the St. Lawrence and back to Quebec. Have crossed the United States twice by auto and three times by plane. My last extensive trip was in 1980 when I flew to Oregon and covered the Pacific Northwest. At present I have visited forty-five of the fifty States and am looking forward to including the remaining five before the good Lord calls. In 1964 I was the victim of a mugging in Philadelphia and was unable to work for six weeks. So when Hajoca Corp. announced they were opening a Branch in Linwood, N.J. in 1966, I asked to be transferred. The request was granted and I moved back to New Gretna. The Linwood Branch was not a success and was closed. In 1970 I became private Secretary to Mrs. Ethel Marie Noyes, Owner and Operator of Historic Smithville Inns. This was a real challenge which I thoroughly enjoyed. Knowing & working for Fred Noyes was an education in itself. I grew to love both of them. Mr. & Mrs. Noyes sold the Smithville complex to American Broadcasting Companies Inc. in August 1974 and vacated the premises in September; I left in December. The Noyes opened Ram's Head Inn on November 17, 1976 and again I became their Secretary. Mrs. Noyes passed away suddenly in January, 1979. Mr. Noyes sold the establishment to Barry Knowles, owner of The Manor in East Orange, N.J., and he took possession in November 1979. I only worked for Mr Knowles a short time and left November 16, 1979 to enter the hospital and never returned to work so I have been enjoying retirement for three years. Mr. Noyes has built a Museum on what was formerly known as Lily Lake in Oceanville, N.J., which will be opened to the Public in the near future. I have been asked to be the Secretary so I may return to the business world. I always received so much pleasure from meeting people, and this has been achieved beyond my expectations as I have met and made friends with so many lovely people, both in business and travelling.

Fred and Ethel Noyes
Photo courtesy of Google Images

I had always maintained my membership at the New Gretna Methodist Church where I now serve on the Board of Trustees, Administrative Board, and a member of the United Methodist Women's group, Vice President of the New Gretna Old Home Society, and an Officer in O.E.S.

Marian at the May, 1999 Old Home Society dinner.
(Photo courtesy of Elaine Webber Mathis)

I have no children (regret losing one), no pets, and I am so happy to be able to be on the move. God has been so very good to me and I never cease to praise Him for blessing me so abundantly in every way.

Following are a few photos of Marian and some of her Tuckerton High School friends. I wonder if anyone out in the Blog-O-Sphere knew or are related to any of the gang.

(l-r) Leila Mathis, Charlotte Cramer, Helen Mathis, and Marian Broome. June 12, 1930 photo taken at Tuckerton High School. (Photo courtesy of Marian Broome.)

(l-r) Rodney Mathis, Marian Broome, Harold "Eppie" Falkinburg, Charlotte Cramer, Helen Mathis, and Lou Speck on June 12, 1930, the last day of the school year at Tuckerton High School. (Photo courtesy of Marian Broome.)

Well, that ends our little visit with the New Gretna members of the class of 1932. Hope you all enjoyed it.

Pete S

Love the Mama

Another sweet rak from another sweet gal! This special rak came from my friend, 1luvnmama! I love the colors on this sweet card, don't you? Hey! Have you guys all checked out mama's blog?? Awesome! I'm so blessed to have "met" 1luvnmama through blogland! I also received this very sweet gift from 1luvnmama. It's an easel card/calendar box! I just luv it! All of the details, whoa! Thank you so much for this beautiful gift!!
These inspirational cards were stamped and put in the drawer. This really helps me to cope. Everything is just so cute!!
Thank you special people out there! You are the ones that give me strength, energy, hope and wow! I can certainly feel the love! You are the ones keeping me going. Thank you again and again for visiting my blog and for all of the words of love and encouragement.