I had no choice...

tonight but to post something non-SU because I have no time to create anything! I'm hoping to have something to share tomorrow...I'm so busy working on cutting the rest of the kits for this weekend, and thank goodness I had help from the cutting fairy!
This card was my card for the September OCS for my second partner, Tammy Maxvill from Fun Paper Candy. I didn't even know that pink and green were her favorite colors! How cool is that? Please visit Tammy's blog if you want to be really inspired...I love all that she does! Of course, I had to use my favorite image, Sing, from TGF line... Here's the close up...
Also had to share this cute treat I made for my hairdresser, Crystal...I love the paper because it's so blingy...I had to ink up my Rockstar Anya...is that her name?? Got this sassy stamp from my GGF Joy...I finally put ink on it!! Please also visit Joy's blog for tons of inspiration...
The close up...
After this weekend, I will be back on track creating with my SU stuff...I just received My Digital Studio, SU's new digital software. I can't wait to create some scrapbook LO's with it, so stay tuned.
Also, don't forget if you have not signed up yet for the October one card swap, the deadline to do so is this Friday, October 2nd! Thanks for checking in on me today...you really made my day!!